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Waterlow Park Guide A handy map and list of the main features of the Park with pictures.  Follow the numbers for a trail around the Park.

IN LIVING MEMORY:  The Benches of Waterlow Park [pubished 2018]

Thirty-six stories about the people remembered through their benches in the park have been researched by local writer, Towyn Mason

These are now presented as a delightful book [112 pages, with over 70 illustrations  ISBN 97815227217270], which is now on sale, priced at £9.99. Get your copy from Highgate Bookshop, N6

‘Waterlow Park, a garden for the gardenless’
by Pam Cooper

The land, the  people, their houses and gardens, especially the Lauderdale House terraced garden,
from earliest times; from 1889, the public park, its historic trees, the park restoration of 2005

Pam Cooper is by profession a technical translator of European languages. She is a graduate in the Conservation of Historic Landscapes, Parks and Gardens (Architectural Association), 1992. From 1999 to 2002 she chaired the Friends of Waterlow Park and the Waterlow Park Action Group, which was formed in response to proposals to restore the park.

Availability:  local bookshops, including Highgate, Owl and Waterstones (Camden) 
Also the British Library, Guildhall and RIBA bookshops

ISBN 978095544007  Published October 2006  £12.95