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Bulb Sale

A selection of high quality spring bulbs. Order now for collection from Friday 25th September from an address in Highgate Village or come to our bulb sale behind Lauderdale house on Saturday 26th September from 11am to 3.30pm.

‘Purple Sensation’

Vibrant grapefruit size globes on a strong stem. Good for winter interest if flowerhead left unpicked. Height 75cm. Flowers May/June.

10 Bulbs – £4

Allium cristophii

Gigantic heads of silvery lilac. Flowers June-July. Height 50cm. Plant at a depth four times size of bulb, 15cm apart.

10 Bulbs – £4

Allium ‘Hair’

Unusual, green, hairy flower head. Exotic in floral displays. Height 80-100cm. Flowers May/June. Plant at a depth four times the size of the bulb, 15cm apart.

10 bulbs – £4

Allium ‘Miami’

Unique large, open flowers of red purple in May/June. Height 100cm. Plant at a depth of four times the size of the bulb.

10 bulbs – £4

Allium ‘Purple Rain’

Dense heads of deep purple. Flowers in June/July. Height 80-100cm. Plant 10cm-15cm apart at a depth of four times the bulb size.

10 bulbs – £4

‘White Cloud’

This small bulb produces a statuesque bloom made up of hundreds of tiny white flowers to adorn your garden in mid-summer. As the flowers mature a pink glow appears. Height 1.5m. Plant 10cm-15cm apart at a depth of four times size of the bulb.

10 bulbs – £4

Allium bulgaricum

Broad bell shaped greenish white flowers, broadly striped dark brown-red on outside. Height 90-100cm. Flowers June.

20 Bulbs – £4

Allium decipiens

Lilac-pink flowers on tall stems in glossy green leaves. Great for sunny borders and potted patio displays. Good for butterflies and bees. Height 90cm. Flowers May/June. Plant 15cm apart at a depth of four times bulb size.

10 bulbs – £4


This hardy variety, which flowers in early summer, will naturalise well if left undisturbed, and will form clumps of bright blue linear leaves. Height 30-40cm.
Plant 8 cm deep, 15cm apart.

5 bulbs – £4

Camassia Alba

In late spring/early summer this variety will bear creamy-white blooms, densely set on very long stems. Height 75-90cm. Plant at least 10cm deep, 15cm apart.

5 bulbs – £4

‘Pink Giant’

Pretty and delicate, flowering in early spring. good for rockeries. Plant in drifts at the front of border, or at the edge of pots.

20 Bulbs – £4

Chionodoxa alba

Pretty and delicate, flowering in early spring. Good for rockeries. Plant in drifts at the front of border, or at the edge of pots.

20 Bulbs – £4

Chionodoxa lucillae

A low growing spring bulb ideal for pots or planting in drifts. It can be planted indoors in September for February flowering. Height 15cm. Plant 8cm deep.

10 Bulbs – £3

‘Ard Schenk’

Early flowering and long lasting crocus. Plant in autumn 5cm deep and 5cm apart. Can be planted under trees or shrubs, in borders and containers. Plant in groups for the best effect.

20 Bulbs – £4

‘Cream Beauty’


Cream coloured crocus with rich yellow stamens. Good for naturalising. Plant bulbs 5cm deep, 5cm apart and in clusters. Flowers in February.

10 Bulbs – £4


Prominent white edges to bluish-purple flowers.
Plant in autumn 5cm deep and 5cm apart. Good for under trees or shrubs as well as in borders and containers. Plant in groups for the best effect.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Whitewell Purple’

A beautiful dusky shade of mauve with a striking bright orange-yellow throat. Flowers February to March.

20 Bulbs – £4

Crocus etruscan

Large lilac blue flower heads with bright orange stamens. The outer petals have a silvery sheen and purple veining, Flowers February/March. Perfect for rockeries or containers, under trees and shrubs. A pure delight in early spring.

10 bulbs – £4


A lovely deep yellow, striped purple, flowering in late winter/early spring. Long lasting. Plant in autumn at 5cm deep and 5cm apart. Good for any site and for containers or rockeries.

20 Bulbs – £4

‘Bridal Crown

Very popular fragrant daffodil. Looks good in pots/containers, either indoor (when forced) or outdoors. Each stem has a cluster of three to four snowy white flowers. Plant 10cm deep in autumn. Space as desired. Flowers in March/April.

10 bulbs – £4

Daffodil ‘Decoy’

Deep Red/Pink cup with white petals. Height 30-40cm. Flowers March/April.

10 bulbs – £4

Daffodil ‘Fortune’

The whole plant is of magnificent stature with large butter-yellow outer leaves and orange trumpet. Plant at least 10cm deep in autumn. Space as desired or plant in clumps for a cluster display. Flowers March.


A pure white outer, with a bright orange cup. These Narcissi are excellent for pots or for the front of a border. Plant 10cm deep in autumn. Space as desired or plant in clumps for a cluster display.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Grand Soleil d’Or

Good for indoors or rock gardens. Produces many dainty scented tangerine-yellow flowers. For indoors, plant bulbs 5cm deep in early autumn. Keep outside for a month then move indoors to a cool room. When shoots appear move to a warmer room. Water freely. Flowers March/April or December if forced.

10 bulbs – £4


A dwarf multiheaded double with yellow miniature fragrant flowers. Height 25cm. Flowers April. Plant in clusters at least 10cm deep in the autumn.

10 bullbs – £4

‘Scarlet O’Hara’

This large cupped daffodil will give much pleasure for many years. It has golden yellow petals and large red cups to brighten up every garden. Ideal for mass planting. Plant 10cm deep in autumn. Space as desired or plant in clumps for a cluster display. Flowers March to April.

10 bulbs – £4


A refreshing pure white miniature daffodil that will help bring character to your garden. Despite their size they are very hardy and are are a great naturaliser. Plant in clumps 10cm deep in autumn. Flowers March to April

10 bulbs – £4

‘Sunlight Sensation’

A lemon-yellow Narcissus which will present a mass of cheerful fragrant flowers. Each bulb produces 3-5 stems with 2-3 flower-heads. Height 35cm. Flowers late April.
Plant in clumps at least 10cm deep in the autumn.

10 bulbs – £4


Another very popular miniature daffodil ideal for pots, window boxes and small gardens. Flowers February.

10 Bulbs – £4


Unique red with yellow tipped flowers. Height 60cm. Flowers May-June. Plant bulbs 10cm deep in fertile soil. They thrive in full sun and are perfect for planting in a border or as part of a colourful rock garden.

10 bulbs – £4

English Bluebells

From cultivated stocks of true English bluebells. Great in deciduous shade. Naturalise well.

10 Bulbs – £4

Eranthis hyemalis
(Winter aconite)

Plant under shrubs or trees with snowdrops for a stunning display. Flowers February.

12 Bulbs – £4

Fritillaria assyrica

An unusual version of the Fritillary, taller than its chequerboard sibling and earlier to bloom. Its bell-like flowers are deep maroon with yellow tips. Flowers April/May.

15 Bulbs – £4

Fritillaria meleagris

Popular chequerboard bulbs which give dramatic affect especially when planted in drifts with white Fritillaria. It prefers damp areas where it will vigoursly naturalise. Plant the bulbs 8-10cm deep and 10-15cm apart in partial shade either in grass or borders. Flowers April/May.

20 Bulbs – £4

‘The Bride’

Beautiful gladiolus either for white garden or to plant with G. byzantines for a great display. Flowers late spring/early summer.

10 Bulbs – £4


A fine cerise coloured gladiolus for cottage or contemporary garden. Plant with G. ‘The Bride’ for maximum impact. Flowers late spring/early summer.

10 Bulbs – £4

Hyacinth ‘Kronos’

Deep blue, large compact flowerhead. 16-17cm bulbs supplied. Plant at least 10cm deep and approx 10-12cm apart.

5 bulbs – £4

‘Peter Stuyvesant’

Deep violet blue. 18cm bulbs supplied. Plant at least 10cm deep and approx 10-12cm apart.

5 bulbs – £4

‘Sky Jacket’

Wisteria blue. Medium late variety. Plant at least 10cm deep and approx 10-12cm apart. Flowers late winter/early spring.

5 bulbs – £4

‘Spring Beauty’

Superb pink star-shaped blooms form in compact clusters. Good for planting in containers and outdoors. Flowering period March and April. Plant in early autumn for March/April flowering. Can be frost tender in containers in severe winters. Flowers late winter/early spring.

5 bulbs – £4

‘White Pearl’

A lovely white, excellent forcer, very early. Plant at least 10cm deep and approx 10-12cm apart in beds, or borders. Flowers late winter/early spring.

5 bulbs – £4


Dark beetroot purple. Plant at least 10cm deep and approx 10-12cm apart in beds, or borders. Flowers late winter/early spring.

5 bulbs – £4

uniflorum mixed
A very hardy bulb, creating a mixture of beautiful 20-25cm tall flowers late winter throughout spring. Plant in sunny and sheltered position in the garden. Excellent for rockeries or for border displays.

15 bulbs – £4

Iris ‘Blue Pearl’
Vibrant blue with a yellow blotch. Make great garden and cut flowers. Height 60-70cm. Flowers June/July.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Katherine Hodgkin’

At 15cm tall, this is quite tall for a dwarf iris. It will flower in late February or early March producing delicate little flowers, with blue/yellow markings. Plant bulbs 8cm deep and about 10-12cm apart, in well drained soil.

10 bulbs – £4

Iris ‘Lion King”

Purple and bronze with yellow stripes. Make great garden and cut flowers. Plant bulbs 8cm deep and about 10-12cm apart, in well drained soil. Fragrant. Height 60cm. Flowers in May.

10 bulbs – £4

Iris ‘Rosario’

A stunning Iris with soft pink-purple flowers and bright yellow centres. Height 50-60cm. Ideal for planting in pots and containers. They also add cheerful colour to borders from May to June. Plant 8cm deep, 10-12cm apart, in well drained soil.

10 bulbs – £4

Iris ‘Royal Yellow’

The standard is buttercup yellow, the falls are sunflower yellow. Height 50cm. Flowers June.

10 bulbs – £4

Iris reticulata

Dwarf variety with violet flowers in early spring. Height 8cm. Plant bulbs 8cm deep and about 10-12cm apart, in well drained soil preferably in a sunny spot. For best results, plant before November.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Blue Magic’

Vigorous early blue, can be used for indoor displays in pots. Height 15-20cm. Flowers March/April. Plant 10cm deep in fertile, well drained soil in sunny position.

15 bulbs – £4

‘White Magic’

New vigorous white variety, used commercially for pot display. Height 15-20cm. Flowers March-April.
Plant 10cm deep in a sunny position.

12 bulbs – £4


Electric blue/purple grape hyacinth, robust and strong. Good naturaliser.

15 Bulbs – £4


Pure White variety. To grow on for Xmas flowerinmg, put bulbs fibre and keep in a cool dark cupboard for 6-8 weeks. Water to prevent fibre from drying. When roots are well formed and shoots appear transfer to a warmer room in daylight.

5 bulbs – £4

‘Delft Blue’

Dark porcelain blue variety. Pure White variety. To grow on for Xmas flowerinmg, put bulbs fibre and keep in a cool dark cupboard for 6-8 weeks. Water to prevent fibre from drying. When roots are well formed and shoots appear transfer to a warmer room in daylight.

5 bulbs – £4


A stunning rich red Hyacinth. Pure White variety. To grow on for Xmas flowerinmg, put bulbs fibre and keep in a cool dark cupboard for 6-8 weeks. Water to prevent fibre from drying. When roots are well formed and shoots appear transfer to a warmer room in daylight.

5 bulbs – £4


Dark beetroot purple variety. Pure White variety. To grow on for Xmas flowerinmg, put bulbs fibre and keep in a cool dark cupboard for 6-8 weeks. Water to prevent fibre from drying. When roots are well formed and shoots appear transfer to a warmer room in daylight.

5 bulbs – £4

Scilla siberica

Beautiful delicate Scilla, best in clusters for maximum impact. Height 10-15cm. Plant 8-10cm deep 10cm apart in a naturalistic drift.

10 Bulbs – £4

Scilla siberica

Ideal for pots, window boxes and borders. Naturalises spectacularly for impressive mid-Spring effect. Flowers mid to late winter. Height 10-15cm. Plant 8-10cm deep 10cm apart in a naturalistic drift.

15 Bulbs – £4


A welcome herald of a new year. A particularly good looking snowdrop for borders or pots. Go well with purple crocuses or early irises for splash of colour. Height 17cms. Plant 5cm deep, 10cm apart. Flowers February.

10 Bulbs – £4


Known as The Broadleaf Snowdrop, Galanthus woronowii has giant white flowers with green markings. Fragrant. Height 15cms. Plant 5cm deep. Flowers January/February.

10 Bulbs – £4

‘Queen Fabiola’

Majestic heads of rich blue purple for mid or back border/bed. Produces a great display. Height 45cm. Flowers May to June.

10 Bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Algarve’

Pretty pink Tulip that is a mix of many shades and streaks of pink. Flowers late April. Height 40cm.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Angel’s Wish’

This single late tulip produces classic creamy white flowers with a flush of yellow that fades as the plant matures. Angel’s Wish is perfect for adding a hint of elegance to any bed or border. Flowers April/May. Height 50cm.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Apricot Beauty’

Soft Salmon-rose overlaid light apricot-rose, a very unusual and outstanding tulip. Height. 40cm. Fl. Apr/May.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Ballerina’

Elegant vivid orange flowers on 55cm stems. Flowers April/May.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Blue Amiable’

A fine shade of lavender mauve which improves as the flower ages. Height 60cm. Flowering early May.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Cafe Noir’

A regal looking Tulip, Café Noir produces deep purple flowers, reaching a mature height of 50cm. Flowers May.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Calgary Flame’

Giant white flowers with a large yellow flame, winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Height 50cm. Flowering late April/May.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Christmas Marvel’

Cherry pink, height 35cm. Flowering late April.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘El Nino’

A vibrant blend of golden yellow, orange and salmon rose, which gets deeper as the flower matures. Flowers April/May A very tall Tulip, growing 70-80cm, perfect for the back of a spring border display.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Esther’

Fuchsia pink, lighter to edge. Height 60cm. Flowering mid-May.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Friendship’

Friendship is a single early Tulip variety that produces golden yellow flowers on strong stems. Flowers late April. Height 45cm.

£10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Prinses Irene’

A very reliable early tulip with burnt orange petal scared with purple. Flowers April/May. Height 30cm.

10 Bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Purple Prince’

An exceptional early dark single tulip ideal for early displays. Looks good planted with “Spring Green’ or ‘Queen of Night’ for a cool look or ‘Yokohama’ for hot look. Flowers April/May

10 Bulbs – £4

‘Rigas Barikavos’

Vibrant orange tulip with yellow base. Height 25cm. Good variety for borders, rockeries or patio containers. Flowers early to mid spring.
Plant bulbs in bonemeal enriched, well dug soil about 8-10cm deep and approx 15cm apart. Prefers a sunny location.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Royal Virgin’

Produces classic pure white flowers in April/May. Combine with brighter colours for a beautiful blend. Plant bulbs in a sunny position about 8-10cm deep and approx 15cm apart.

10 bulbs – £4

Tulip ‘Ruby Prince’

Vibrant ruby red. Height 40cm. Flowering April.
Plant bulbs in well dug soil, enriched with a little bonemeal, about 8-10cm deep and approx 15cm apart preferably in a sunny location.

10 bulbs – £4

‘Twilight Princess

Egg shaped flowers with a subtle green stripe. Height 50cm. Flowering April.
Plant bulbs in well dug soil, enriched with bonemeal, 8-10cm deep and approx 15cm apart. Tulips prefer a sunny location.

10 bulbs – £4

‘White Marvel’

Ivory buds opening pure white.
Plant bulbs in a sunny position about 8-10cm deep and approx 15cm apart. Feed with a little bonemeal mixed in with the soil. Flowers early spring.

10 bulbs – £4